Tuesday, 25 December 2007

WLS TV in Chicago discover Breaking News... First Hand!

This happened Sunday Night in Chicago, live on the 10pm newscast at exactly 10.02pm. A mini van crashed into the street-side studio of ABC affiliate VLS TV.

Someone took some video from the overnight repeat and edited it into a 6 minute video of the relevant bits of the story. You can watch that below, or if my HTML skills are up to their usual standard, or if you're reading via video non-compliant RSS viewer, then the link is here.

Certainly gives new meaning to the term Breaking News!!!

I wonder how much the driver was paid to generate the publicity!!!

Seriously though, I'm glad no-one was hurt and damage seems to be relatively minimal. But the more I read about this, something just doesn't add up. I don't know what, but it does feel somewhat strange.

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