Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Why I write on Viewpoint and on Twitter

Well, it seems that I have caused somewhat of a stir on Twitter with my coverage of the Police and Crime Commissioner elections.  And quite frankly, that pleases me no end, because it means that I am doing my job on this blog, and on my twitter feed, which has in many ways become an extension of this blog.

My goal with this blog has always been to challenge the myths and misconceptions about the news stories and about life in general.  That can be done many ways.  One way is to present both sides, where both have strong cases, and there is no clear right or wrong answer.  But I prefer it when the facts are clear and unambiguous, and in those situations, when you still have people who argue that black is white, then you need to challenge them, with unvarnished, undiluted facts and truth, and watch as they try to spin their way out, and end up spinning out of control.

Now I know that half the world will not agree with any single opinion of mine, and I'm comfortable with that.  But, when your opinions are based on something easily disprovable, expect to called on it.  My friends have done it to me in the past, and I expect no less from them.

I know that some people just cannot handle being told the truth, upfront, straight and to the point.  But if I get people thinking about it, and responding to what I write, then frankly, I have done my job well.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ian, do you have an email address I can contact you on?


