So let me get this straight. Donald Trump posted footage from WWE, from
Wrestlemania 23 to be precise, phtoshopped to replace Vince McMahon's
head with a CNN logo, footage that showed him beating up on "CNN".
That's low. That's dispicable. That's sad. Using one fake thing,
professional wrestling, to accuse CNN of being fake, and showing how he
wants to beat up on them. Sadly, his fans just eat it up.
The rest of
us know that he has sadly demonstrated that he does not respect
the media, which we already knew, but that he also does not respect the
office of President.
This is not reality TV, this is not a ratings
war. He is supposed to be the President of the USA. Instead, he is
nothing more than a cult leader, destroying the United States, under the
Cult Of Trumpistan.
He's too stupid to resign, and his cabinet is too
in his thrall to dump him. Somebody needs to do something to end this
travesty of a mockery of a sham of a mockery of a travesty of two
mockeries of a sham of a presidency.
Somebody in the Congress needs to
do something, soon, whilst there is still something of the United States
left to salvage.
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