Monday, 4 June 2007

Viewpoint Extra: New York airport terror plot thwated

Well, two days into this story, developments get stranger and stranger!.

NPR reports that a twice-convicted drug dealer was the informant. It's a long way down the story, but it is worth reading all the way through.

MSNBC has an Associated Press story about how in fact the damage that would have been caused by an explosion would in fact have been quite limited, because it would not travel up and down the pipeline.

I have already seen blog articles call the timing of the announcement somewhat suspect, coming just a day before the Democratic Candidates Debate on CNN. Noel Sheppard of the Newsbusters blog even predicted this would happen, whilst the story was still fresh.

Plus, on ABC's This Week with George Stephanopoulos, Democratic respresentative John Murtha, stated that he felt we were getting more of these plots BECAUSE the US invaded Iraq, not in spite of it.

Confused??? So is the Tardis!!!

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