Wednesday 29 August 2007

Newsbusters actually reports factually, whilst trying to insinuate bias!

Newsbusters is a blog from the right wing Media Research Center which supposedly highlights liberal media bias. However, this time, they actually managed to report something completely factually, whilst trying to insinuate that bias was involved.

The entry by Brent Baker highlights comments by syndicated columnist Mark Shields, on the programme Inside Washington, produced by Washington DC ABC affiliate WJLA. Mark Shields describes how right wing radio attacks will make Hillary Clinton somewhat as a sympathy figure, in the same way, as NPR's Nina Tottenberg pointed out, as she was elected to the New York Senate seat in her first Senate run.

The whole entry is written with lots of quotes, to insinuate that there is bias in the statements, whereas in fact, what was stated was factual. We have seen it happen before, we could see it happen again.

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