Saturday, 28 November 2009

Progressive journalist arrested.

Maybe I’m strange but this story doesn’t make sense to me at all.  Either someone at the border has a huge case of paranoia, or a prominent independent media journalist made up a story in order to get more notoriety for herself.  The report comes from CBC News Vancouver.

There’s a longer version of this report at the CBC News website, but it seems that at the moment, they don’t allow their video to be embedded which is a shame.  There’s also the full 14 minutes of interview with Democracy Now’s Amy Goodman at the CBC News website.

Amy Goodman is known as being part of the independent progressive media, which obviously doesn’t agree with a Canadian Conservative government.  The guise of concern over Olympic security is just a cover story for an attempt to censor the media.  The media has been a favourite right wing bogeyman for years, but in more recent times, the idea of a politicised media has gained a lot of traction.  I think it’s time the media got back to basics, reporting facts and truth, rather than seeking to propagate political agendas.

Thursday, 26 November 2009

A Multiplex operator attacking the internet?

This does seem kind of strange to be reporting this, but it needs reporting.  If only because I can think of no other way to let these people know that something is badly wrong. 

I used to keep an eye on the NOW Digital website in the run up to the launch of the multiplex in Cornwall and Plymouth and for a short while afterwards as well. 

Well, I just tried to visit the site to check on capacity availability on some of their local multiplexes only to find that the website domain is now apparently harmful to computers and is a reported attack site!  Firefox completely blocked me off from the site and even Google warned me that it was harmful. 

Now whilst I think its great that that can be done, it’s strange to think what is regarded as the official website of the multiplex operator, is a reported attack site.

Global now own the multiplexes since they bought GCap Media, yet when you visit the ThisisGlobal site it makes no mention of the multiplexes at all, almost as though they don’t exist.  It’s really kind of poor.

Now, I’m not being critical of NOW Digital, just whoever is supposed to be looking after their web presence, but even Charles Allen at Global should realise that such a situation should not be allowed to continue as should word of this go much beyond this blog, it will create some very bad PR for Global and NOW Digital.  We already know that commercial radio is reluctant to go digital, despite their protestations that there should be a switchover date, something I believe would actually be a huge mistake.

There is no reason whatsoever to switch off AM & FM, however, more UK broadcasters should be looking towards DRM, DAB+ and HD Radio as possibilities for future expansion of digital radio.  However, just as there is no reason to switch off AM and FM, neither would there be any reason to switch off DAB. 

The cynic in me is saying that this is just another example of how committed to the future of broadcasting commercial radio is, in other words, not very.  But I truly hope the cynical side is wrong.

Tuesday, 24 November 2009

Viewpoint - MPs Expenses & Commons Reform

A committee that was set up in the wake of the MPs expenses scandal, has published a report that is nothing to do with the MPs Expenses scandal.  Ian Beaumont tells the committee what they REALLY should be worried about.

Stay tuned for a Viewpoint Election Commentary coming up shortly.

Saturday, 14 November 2009

Thursday, 12 November 2009

Lou Dobbs leaves CNN

In his final edition of “Lou Dobbs Tonight”, the former business anchor spoke about his decision to leave the network he was a founding member of back in 1980.

There has been lots of speculation about Lou going to Fox News or Fox Business, but I do remember previous speculation about him making a run for Congress at some stage.  It could well be that he might make a run for a congressional seat, not sure where.  Alternatively, he may turn up somewhere completely unexpected.

Lou Dobbs has a radio show, so he won’t be leaving the air entirely.  It’ll be interesting to see what his next move will be.

Thursday, 5 November 2009

Update: Fort Hood shooting


Okay, developments are coming in fast here at the OpsCentre and I’m doing my best to sort them out.

What we know is that the shooter was a Major Nidal Malik Hasan, he was a doctor, a mental health professional, working at the medical facility on base.  There have been reports that he was due soon to be deployed to Iraq.

Fort Hood is still on lockdown right now.  CNN International is taking the domestic network.  MSNBC is also covering the story extensively.  BBC News is dipping in and out of coverage as required, as is Sky News

NaVloPoMo 2009 – Day 5: Fort Hood Shooting

This was not what I had planned for day 5, but Viewpoint is a news and media blog and as such, plans can get changed at the last minute.  Commentary on the ongoing story at Fort Hood, nr Austin, Texas.

NaVloPoMo 2009 – Day 4: US election insight.

Wednesday, 4 November 2009

Cross Dressing student sent home from school.

Okay, this caught my attention, especially as it looks like it is a pure discrimination case.  KHOU’s Courtney Zubowski has the story.

Tuesday, 3 November 2009

CNN Abu Dhabi opens.

CNN has opened up their new Abu Dhabi broadcast hub, and broadcast their first shows from there.  Amanpour is currently airing a week of programmes from there, and Stan Grant is anchoring a programme called “Prism” every day.

In this video, Stan Grant himself takes us around the new bureau and broadcast hub.

NaVloPoMo 2009 – Day 3: US Election Day 2009

Ian Beaumont looks forward to today's off year elections in the US.

New BBC site: Democracy Live

The BBC has launched a new site as part of BBC News.  It’s called Democracy  Live and presents live coverage of the parliaments in Westmister, Holyrood and Brussels, and the assemblies at Stormont and Cardiff Bay.

Democracy Live also presents recorded coverage of every chamber, committee room and the Westminster Hall as well.

Sunday, 1 November 2009

ITV News revamp tomorrow

With ITV News launching a new look tomorrow morning at 5.30 am, those of us who take an interest in that sort of thing will be watching with a lot of interest. 

New set, new music, new graphics, all sorts of things changing.  It’ll be interesting to look at and Ident City will have the coverage over the next few days.

NaVloPoMo 2009 – Day 1

The first video for National Vlog Posting Month, and again, a different style of video from what you're used to from me.  You might even say it was... golden!